There are various steps to take when trying to live a more “green” lifestyle and help out the environment. The important part is that the majority of the world is realizing how important it is for us to reduce our carbon footprints. A major benefit of pledging to be more energy efficient is that when all is said and done it ends up reducing costs. Our management team has more than 25 years of experience in energy consulting and project development and we offer various services to help you become more energy efficient. We manage nationwide projects from our headquarters in San Francisco, CA and our project management starts with an initial energy audit, then offers customized installation and sees it through to energy reduction cost savings. We also specialize in DALI system consulting and implementation and offer an innovative cash neutral project-financing model. Read on to find out more about our services!
Energy efficient lighting is an essential pillar for sustainability. It reduces the carbon footprint of a business and has a positive effect. Lighting is the most basic and necessary, yet also most costly and wasteful challenge for any business. EES is committed to installing state-of-the-art systems that will immediately improve energy consumption and deliver long-term value. Our team will redesign and retrofit your existing lighting scheme, implement advanced energy saving technologies and develop a plan that is tailored to the unique needs and goals of your business. Digitally Addressable Lighting Interfaces (DALI) is at the core of the EES lighting strategy. This clever system eliminates excess usage by measuring available sunlight as well as tracking the occupancy of a room. With DALI you can reduce lighting consumption at your business by up to 60%.
Light-Emitting Diodes, or LED’s, utilize a fraction of the energy required by a typical light bulb without losing any luminosity. LED’s typically last about 50,000 hours in comparison to the average 750 hours of an incandescent bulb. EES is a leading energy consultant that specializes in commercial LED lighting and is prepared to assist businesses in all industries with the switch to this eco-friendly and cost-effective method. Cutting down on energy costs is a popular solution used by commercial entities when they need to tighten their budget. Companies who use commercial LED lighting witness significant drops in their monthly energy bills.
Energy benchmarking is the process of conducting an evaluation of the amount of energy that a commercial building consumes over the course of a year. By doing so, building owners gain a better understanding of their property’s energy use. Energy benchmarking is quickly becoming a nationwide industry standard for commercial buildings. EES specializes in taking the information of your building and generating an energy score based on comparable models taken from a national survey conducted by the Department of Energy’s Information Administration. Scoring above a 75 will make your building eligible for the coveted ENERGY STAR label.
EES offers its clients a “hybrid” energy project, which combines solar power generation and energy efficiency retrofits. This combination utilizes the reduction solutions of energy efficiency while increasing ROI and project value with solar revenue. Along with rebates and tax incentives clients receive a bankable energy project. EES built its foundation around energy efficiency and solar development and we pride ourselves on our ability to offer complete green energy solutions.
EES is partnered with private equity firms that offer cash neutral financing plans for upgrades and solar installations. This private financing allows customers to upgrade their properties and increase their energy savings.
Whether you have already taken the steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle for yourself or your company or if you are just beginning to become more environmentally aware, we are here to assist and offer guidance and expertise in the energy efficiency industry. Read more about us and contact us if you have any questions or if you’re thinking about switching to energy efficient lighting!